• semestre de verano (5 Credito)
  • Semestre de primavera (25 Credito)
  • semestre de otoño (25 Credito)
  • Libro de los Proverbios 1 Creditos
  • May 1    2015 Sesion de verano comienza
  • Jan 1    2015 semestre de otono comienza
  • OTONO ( 25 creditos )
  • PRIMAVERA ( 25 creditos )
  • VERANO ( 5 creditos)
  • Los oradores

    Course Schedule:

    Cornerstone Online College is a proven  invaluable resource for students and teaches alike. Our students has will use it to aquire lifelong knowlege in their respective ministerial  pursuit that they love:  This carefully planned videos and Slidehows give a practical insight into different majors. Here is a summary of some of the couses we currently offer:


    Acts of the Apostles 

    Bible archeology       

    Bible History 

    Biblical Doctrines (Bibliology)         

    Book Of Proverbs - Wisdom Keys for Life 

    Children's Ministry   

    Christian Education  

    Christian Jewish roots           

    Christian Life Cycle Development   


    Overcoming demon & devil's attack

    Pastoral Ministry       

    Pastoral Responsibilities & Ethics    


    Practical theology

    Church planting and Church growth

    Communication in the ministry/Public Speaking      

    Comparative Religion           

    Cross-Cultural Children's Ministry   

    Emotional Problems and the Gospel 


    God's Holy Word     


    Historical Books of the Old Testament        


    Introduction to Christian Counseling     

    Systematic Theology 

    That Ishmeal Might Iive       

    The Epistles   

    Theology proper


    Introduction to Prophets       

    Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology       

    Life of Christ

    Major & Minor Prophets       

    Master Plan for Leaders        


    Missions & Paradigm Shift   

    Modern Day Apologetics     

    New Testament Greek          

    Nursery/ Pre-School Ministry 



    Successful Christian Marriage